Computers Need to be Plugged In!

Student Written Blog Post

Do you really want these computer to die? We use them a lot. For example we use them in indoor recess and we use them to for Google Classroom!

We can lose the computers like we lost the colored pencils and the iPads! (Did we really lose the iPads? See the *Editor’s Note at the bottom of the post.) That would be horrible horrible!   

The computers are dying every time we don’t charge them! I know we it sounds like we are over exaggerating but were NOT! But sadly it is true. We saw two, yes, TWO computers unplugged. One was dead and the other luckily was saved!


We had a chat with Mr.Bruff. We asked him,  “If we don’t plug in the computers are we going to lose the computers too?” Mr.Bruff said, “Yes but no. You wouldn’t be able to use them if they aren’t plugged in. There is no need to take them away. You’ll take them away from yourselves. Get it?”

85041827_fce691bf77_bIf we don’t plug in the computers, we can’t play anything on the computers. We also lost the iPads. If you lose the computers too, there is noGoogle Classroom, for class or Math Playground in indoor recess. copy-of-img_0028

*Editor’s note: The iPads required an update. The district technology technicians requested all iPads for an extended period of time. Since the Winter Break, the iPads have returned to the classroom.

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