Adding to the Shelfie Wall

Student Written Post

Dear Parents,

You are probably wondering what a Shelfie Wall is. Well it is a wall with selfies. Not any kind of selfies, but selfies with books that you already read. So, they are really called shelfies. See what we did there! 



More shelfies!

Tell your kids to read more!

To catch your children reading every day.

Yes, the shelfie wall looks like a heart. (But that does not matter.) We hope by the end of the year to have 50 or more pictures! Right now, we only have 26 including. But that is counting Mr.Bruff’s picture! If we can’t get to 50, let’s at least fill the whole wall up! Make sure to get some more books for your kid NOW!!!!!!

Do you really want to upset you kid that won’t be very pretty!  


Your Grateful Child


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