Vote in Brufftopia’s March Book Madness

Over the next three weeks, we, the citizens of Brufftopia invite you to vote for books in Brufftopia’s March Book Madness. Throughout this school year students have read many different books. Lots of students have strong opinions about which book was the best they’ve read. So Brufftopia’s March Book Madness …

The Force vs The Dark Side

Developing a growth mindset never ends. Lately I’ve been hearing my students say having a growth mindset means you  never stop working. It is on-going. Jedi from all over the galaxy know the importance of a growth mindset too. With that being said, Brufftopians learned having a fixed mindset leads you down the path of the Dark …

Adding to the Shelfie Wall

Student Written Post Dear Parents, You are probably wondering what a Shelfie Wall is. Well it is a wall with selfies. Not any kind of selfies, but selfies with books that you already read. So, they are really called shelfies. See what we did there!