The concert 4th grade concert was fun, exciting, and creative. We sang multiple songs in a way that included everyone in a role. We sang patty on the railway, This train, The saints, and paz y libertad. These songs were fun to learn and a great thanks to Ms.Rogers and for teaching us these songs and creating time for a concert for the parents and the whole school.
We have been learning these songs and dances since the beginning. All the fourth grade did a different thing for each song. For an example Our class Mr.bruffs class created a dance for the song patty and the railway, Ms.selhub did the song paz y libertad in american sign language. I think this was great teamwork because if we made a mistake we would quickly fix it so the audience won’t see a single mistake.
It was like the audience did not see a single mistake. I think that the sound of the audience when they clapped liked the concert. Some people were really creative and brought their talents from home or events they go to and made a new dance in limited time to show the whole school and the parents. They also took time out of their recess and begged Mr.Bruff to stay in to do there new dance for the concert. It was amazing because in two weeks before the concert they created the dance and took as much time to away to make the dance and even at home they did the dance. This also includes Ms.Rogers for letting them do the dance and finding a place to put their dance in. I think this was a big part of the concert because there was a loud of people clapping and yelling after their dance. I think all of the fourth grade did amazing job with this concert even if something went wrong for them. -Written by Kyle C.
Yesterday (thursday) was the day of the fourth grade concert! Every fourth grader was encouraged to take part and sing with all the other classes and bring harmony in song.
The fourth grade team got to sing to their parents and later, the whole school!
The 5 songs the fourth grade team sang were:
Paddy works on the railway, mango walk/sweet potatoes, shining boots of leather, this train/the saints, and paz y libertad (a spanish song.)
However the team did not only sing good songs. In fact each class did something “special” in one of the chosen songs.
In mango walk/sweet potatoes and this train/the saints; classes played instruments. In paz y libertad; a class showed and teached their parents and the whole school some symbols of American sign language. And in shining boots of leather and Paddy works on the railway, classes did dances.
In Paddy works on the railway our class took part in a dance!
And a small part of our class decided to use their free time to make up their own dance! (step dancing.) It took about two weeks to make this dance and their dance actually took part in the concert!
If you came to the concert, we hope you liked it! If you didn’t come, we hope you like the sounds of it.
But we couldn’t have done It without our amazing music teachers Mrs.Rogers and Mrs. London,
And the amazing fourth grade team!- Written by James V.
On 4/6/17 we had a music concert. Though Mr.Bruffs class did something extra too. Some of the class got together with some people who had took Irish-step dancing lessons and because the song they danced to was Irish they made up a dance including Irish-step dancing but also with other things (like a pyramid as you see above.) These Kids did the whole thing almost entirely themselves with only a little help from the music teacher. Having only two weeks at the maximum before the concert.

As you can see here when the concert was over everyone was so happy that they had done a good job and had been able to be in the wonderful show they had participated in. The other classes did different things in the concert like playing music on instruments.