Harry Potter Session 10

This past Friday students worked with Mrs. Moloney in the Harry Potter Book Club. In the club we discussed Dementors, Boggarts, the Grim, and Divination Class. Be sure to complete the graphic organizer for a chance to earn your house 20 points.

Big Ideas we Discussed:

  • The changes Hermione, Ron and Harry are going through.
  • Impact of classes.
  • Buckbeak
  • The big 4 (Dementors, Boggarts, the Grim and Divination Class)


Students all created their own Dementor. Check out the steps below to make your own.

Let’s make a Dementor



  • Newspaper
  • Black spray paint
  • Foam balls
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Hot glue gun
  • Black felt/fabric


  1. Lay out newspaper.
  2. Lay out popsicle sticks and spray paint them black. This step isn’t completely necessary as the fabric will nearly cover the sticks completely.
  3. Lay out foam balls and spray paint them black.
  4. Cut fabric/felt to desired dimensions. If the ends are frayed, it will come out better. No need to be perfect.
  5. Attach foam ball to popsicle stick. Hot glue them together.
  6. Hot glue felt/fabric to foam ball and popsicle stick. This should be your final Dementor. Feel free to spice up the edges by cutting the edges of the fabric.

Next Session

Be sure to read chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 for December 22nd. Ms. Maloney will be our guest teacher. Most likely, she will want to share more about fear and how to combat it.



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