Metric Units vs US Customary Units

Do you estimate or measure using the Metric System or US Customary Units? Most Americans use US Customary Units. If you estimate using the Metric System, you’d have a leg up on the fourth graders in Brufftopia.

Students are asking themselves, “Why do we need to learn how to use the Metric System if we don’t use it here?”, and “Why don’t we use the Metric System if it is so simple?” The simple answer is: This is America. We do things the way we feel like it. 

Student Discovery with the Metric System

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  1. Franca Ellerman, Mr. Bruff's 4th Grade 6th Grade at Clarke Allumnus

    That’s what I wonder too, and many other people! Personally I think we should all use the Metric System since most of the world uses it, but it’s great the in Schools it’s taught too.
    I remember in 1st grade when I was learning temperature that my teacher said we wouldn’t be learning Celsius because that wasn’t what we used in America. Then my dad would talk to me about temperature in Celsius and I would get so annoyed because I didn’t understand it. Now I’ve gotten so used to it I can barely understand Fahrenheit!

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