Over the past week Brufftopians have dived in head first into using technology. Students are using iPads, laptop computers, iMovie, and Google Classroom to showcase their learning. Technology Specialist, Ms. Rhodes, taught a lesson and leant her expertise while the class began working on their book trailers.
Book Trailers
One of the most commonly asked questions is, “What are book trailers?” The answer is simple. Book trailers are a short video that gives viewers a “flavor” for a book. In Brufftopia, students read book and record themselves explaining the big idea (theme) and characters they fell in love with. Sometimes students build tension by sharing and not spoiling.
Students use many different forms of technology when completing book trailers. Some students used iPads while others used laptops. Each Brufftopian edited their own videos, added sound effects to match the mood and created their own scripts for their video. Check the class website on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the next 3 weeks to see the latest student created book trailers.