Parent Teacher Conferences

In the upcoming weeks, there will be parent teacher conferences. I am really look forward to spending thirty minutes updating parents on the progress of students. Time will be spent discussing the following topics: reading, writing, math, science, upcoming social studies units, homework and any concerns you may have. 

How to Send a Completed Book Trailer

  This past week, students learned they would be creating book trailers and a synthesis of what they’ve read. The assignment is a way to get students to think more about their reading. By carrying their books in their thoughts, replaying important details of the stories they’ve read, and planning …

Picture Day

Picture day is coming up quickly. be sure to check your child’s bag for more information. Each student has a form that needs to be returned if you wish to order pictures. If you need an extra form, there are some left in the classroom. Be sure to tell your child to pick …

Is Your CORI Up to Date?

Every parent who wishes to volunteer in the classroom or on a field trip will need to fill out a CORI. It takes the school a couple of weeks to get the information back. If you plan to go on field trips this school year and you haven’t completed a …