by MD
Have you ever wondered how the Bowman school kitchen works? The staff who work in the cafeteria prepare our food. Mrs.Ost and the 2 other kitchen staff get to school at 6:00 in the morning just to cook for all the Bowman members. Every morning the kitchen staff cut and put all the fruits and vegetable in the plastic containers.With the ingredients they prepare the food. Everything that the kitchen staff make is from scratch. They bake or cook all the food before 11:30. In between the lunches, the kitchen staff restock the trays.
Every Monday the kitchen gets a new set of ingredients to cook the food. The kitchen staff know how many ingredients they need because they check the lunch count from the last time the dish was on the menu.mrs. Ost says “the lunch count is very important “.So next time try to remember to do your lunch count. Each one of the kitchen staff has there own job in the kitchen. Every morning the kitchen staff do their job to make the lunch for everyone So next time you have lunch in the Bowman cafeteria, know that the kitchen staff took a long time making the food and they put alote of effort in to the food they make.